Blog Archives

The Cutecumber

Tiny and cute, the best type of cucumber!

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Unholy creation

Ewwwww! No.  Just no. (Although to be fair I know people who will love them, they need help, of course)

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Jaws, the breakfast cereal

Seriously?!? Jaws, feeding time, the breakfast cereal!

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day

From DeBoyz and the Tentacales! Enjoy the Shamrocks!

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Tentacle Pop Art

And why not.        

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Crisp madness!

Available for a limited time, KFC (or PFK in French) flavoured crisps!

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May the 4th Be With You, And Also With You

Happy May the 4th!

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Mmmmmmmmm in Montreal

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DeBoyz seem to have created a bit of a recurring theme

DeBoyz are big in Japan but now North American fame, or just a happy coincidence?

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We ate two large burritos (home made). Given the size of the burritos and the size of us, we are now 25% burrito!

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© Paul Gent, 1996 - 2024
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