Blog Archives

We want grass fed cheese!

And apparently you can now get it!

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These are some of our favourite things

Thinking about dinosaurs and listening to the Eurovision entries…

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Total Eclipse 8th April 2024

We’re ready, bring on the darkness!

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Merry Christmas, Santa has filled the stockings

And the Tentacales are very happy.

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Infrared Bears – Snow bears

They look different in the dark through infrared…

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Weirdness and a cat

DeBoyz recently saw a “person” taking their cat in a backpack out for a stroll.  Weirdness abounds. Bonus points if you recognize the location from the rock formations.  Answers on a postcard please to DeBoyz, The World.

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Jaws, the breakfast cereal

Seriously?!? Jaws, feeding time, the breakfast cereal!

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The German Council of Gnomes

The German Council of Gnomes have announced their intention to judge any and all that they see from their perch high up on the veranda.

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Happy Easter from DeBoyz

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Easter is coming


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© Paul Gent, 1996 - 2024
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