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Our friends pond is guarded by this majestic beast! Ribbit.

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The Guardian of the Strawberries


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The Chipmunk in the Tree

There once was a Chipmunk that climbed a tree…  

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I love the shadow it cast.

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Teddy is 20 years old

And not even close to the oldest!

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Merry Christmas, Santa has filled the stockings

And the Tentacales are very happy.

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New frens in the water

DeBoyz are friends with many fish, but they really liked the way these were swimming!

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Tiny door

DeBoyz were out walking in a German forest (as they sometimes do) and spotted this tiny door. Unfortunately, knocking went unanswered…

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Spring hats

We missed our winter hats so we got matching spring ones!

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Merry Christmas (a little early)

The tentacales are very excited for Christmas!

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© Paul Gent, 1996 - 2024
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