Blog Archives

The 47 Ronin are watching the Sumo on NHK

DeBoyz, who believe they are the 47 Ronin, are watching the Sumo on NHK.

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We have changed our hats

And we have some pocket money for hot dogs, life is good for tentacales!

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The Tentacale Project

They have their hard hats on and are ready for work!

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Spring hats

We missed our winter hats so we got matching spring ones!

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We’re Ready for St Patrick to come down the chimney

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Dr Bears have their First Aid kit ready

Just in case they need to perform surgery…

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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from DeBoyz

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A little camo goes a long way

We’s hidin’!

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Happy Easter

We have individual wee dishes of mini eggs and the Easter Bunny has come!

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The Easter Vikings

Our collection of hats continues to grow, and for Easter we are Vikings!

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© Paul Gent, 1996 - 2024
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