Blog Archives

The 47 Ronin are watching the Sumo on NHK

DeBoyz, who believe they are the 47 Ronin, are watching the Sumo on NHK.

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Domo has arrived to watch the sumo basho

DeBoyz have a new permanent visitor, Domo, who has arrived just in time to watch the September Basho in the Sumo!

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Fish on a Friday, Japanese style

Yum yum

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Retro-futuristic robo sushi

The Japanese do it again.  Adorable serving robots at Robo Sushi.  Don’t forget to tip your robot!

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Godzilla enters the fray

DeBoyz have lots of new friends at the moment, one wonders what is being plotted here!

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DeBoyz made this

Memories of Japan, with help from DeMaureen!

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Horse headed birthday celebrant

Whoever Matthew is, he had a weird birthday!  As seen at a Japanese izikaya in Toronto.

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DeBoyz is turning Japanese again

And they have their headbands on to prove it!

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